Indonesia Board of Hypnotherapy (IBH)

Online Training Digital, marketIng, Management and sociAl Skills


“Online Sertifikasi Basic & Advanced Hypnotherapy”

1. Gelar Non Akademik CH (Certified Hypnotist)
2. Gelar Non Akademik CHt (Certified Hypnotherapist)
3. Sertifikat Cetak CH dari IBH
4. Sertifikat Cetak CHt dan ID Card Cetak dari IBH
5. E-Sertifikat Attendance Certificate Dimas Production
6. Materi Seminar (Modul CH CHt & Zoom Record)
7. Hypnotherapy Script & Audio Relaksasi
8. Kumpulan E-Book Hypnotist & Hypnotherapy
9. WAG Alumni Sertifikasi CH CHt
10. Free Konsultasi Seumur Hidup
11. Free Mengulang Kelas CH CHt Seumur Hidup
12. Voucher Rp. 250.000,- Kelas CI ITC atau C.NNLP/CM.NNLP

BASIC HYPNOTHERAPY (CH) : Sejarah Hipnosis, Permodelan Kesadaran Manusia, Formal Hypnosis, Hypnotisability, Suggestibiliy, Hypnotic Training, Suggestibility Test, Waking Hypnosis, Struktur Hypnosis Lengkap, Induction Dasar, Hypnotherapy Sederhana, Stage Hypnotism, Dept Scale, Hypnotic Power, Hypnosis Script, Hypnosis Dan Brainware, Self Hypnosis.
ADVANCED HYPNOTHERAPY (CHt) : Ruang Lingkup Hypnotherapi, Brief Hypnotherapi, 3 Phase Therapeutic Protocol, Pre- Induction Talk, Tools & Therapeutic Technique, Standart Hypnotherapy Script.

1. FX. Praptoharsoyo, CI., MT.NNLP
▶️ Instructor Indonesia Board of Hypnotherapy
▶️ Master Trainer NeoNLP Society
▶️ International Association Counselors & Therapist (ACT) USA
▶️ Direktur & Founder Indonesia Training Center
▶️ Direktur PT. Cipta Performa Indonesia
▶️ Certified Behaviour Based Neuroscience
▶️ Certified Mind Web
▶️ Praktisi Mesmerrism

2. apt. Dimas Rudyanto K., S.Farm., CHt., CI., CT.NNLP., AM.NLP., CTPS., CPLC
▶️ PNS Apoteker
▶️ Founder Apotek Cahaya Sehat
▶️ Founder www.dimasproduction.id
▶️ Founder www.digitalmarketingmastery.id
▶️ Founder www.membuattokoonline.com
▶️ Founder www.gelarnonakademik.id
▶️ Founder www.gelarnonakademik.com, dll.
▶️ Instructor Indonesia Training Center (ITC)
▶️ Trainer NeoNLP Society
▶️ Trainer Public Speaking
▶️ Hypnotherapist IBH
▶️ Accredited Master Practitioner of NLP - Peterborough, England
▶️ Certified Professional Life Coach - Florida, USA.

Jum'at - Sabtu, 17 dan 18 September 2021
Pukul 09.30 - 16.00 WIB
Live on Zoom Meeting

Offline : Rp. 4.500.000,-/Peserta
Normal : Rp.3.000.000,-/Peserta
Promo 10 Orang Tercepat : Rp.1.500.000,-/Peserta 

Investasi ditransfer melalui :
BCA 0272921758
BRI 062601009080506
OVO/GOPAY 081346451898
a/n Dimas Rudyanto Klodeng

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