Logistics Industry 4.0

How to Start in Our Business ?
Skill Ini Membantu Anda Dalam:
1. Understand the challenges in logistics business
2. Understand the benefit of used information technology in logistics business
3. Understand the development of information technology in logistics business
4. Plan how to prepare the adoption of information techology for digital transformation

1. Logistics activities in SCM
2. Logistics Challenges
3. What is Digital Transformation
4. Framework for Digital Bisnis in Logistics Services Provider
5. Key Driver to Adopt Digital Transformation
6. Example in Industry 4.0 for Transportation - Warehouse Aspects
7. Leadership Style in Industry 4.0
8. IT Requirement to Support Digital Business 
9. Design Thinking to Explore Customer Requirement
10. Value Preposition Canvas to Explore Customer Requirement
11. Business Model Canvas for New Business Model
Norman Erikson Suli, S.T., M.MT., CT.BNSP., CPLM, CPDT, CPSM
▶️ Trainer Level 4 BNSP RI
▶️ Professional di Sektor Logistik selama >10 Tahun 
▶️ Internal Trainer Perusahaan Operasional & Digital Logistics
▶️ Certified Professional Logistics Management from USA
▶️ Certified Professional in Design Thinking from Swiss
▶️ Certified Professional as Scrum Master from Swiss

23 April 2022  
Pukul 20.00 - 22.00 WIB
Live on Zoom Meeting

Offline : Rp 2.000.000,-/Peserta
Normal : Rp. 700.000,-/Peserta
Promo 60 Orang Tercepat : Rp. 249.000,-/Peserta

Dapatkan Gopay Rp 100.000,- untuk 1 peserta terbaik

Investasi ditransfer melalui :
Rekening :
Bank BCA 0272921758
Bank BRI 062601009080506
GOPAY 081346451898
an. Dimas Rudyanto Klodeng

1. E-Sertifikat dari Trainer
2. E-Sertifikat Kehadiran dari Dimas Production
3. Record Live Zoom
4. WAG Alumni
5. Free Konsultasi

Informasi Pendaftaran :

Seat terbatas hanya untuk 90 peserta tercepat!

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